Literacy Homework 27.01.17

Stories from another culture

The children have enjoyed re-telling the African story ‘The Awongalema tree’ in literacy.  They have then been planning their writing choosing from 3 challenges:

  • Writing the story from a different point of view e.g. an animal from the story
  • Writing the original story in their own words
  • Writing a substituted story (changing the setting, animals to fit with another culture)

For homework, children are to practice re-telling ‘The Awongalema Tree’ story. The children can think about their story telling skills they used earlier in the week to help them.  If you want to record any story-telling and email to the teacher, you are more than welcome! Children can also discuss their ideas they have been planning for their own writing.

This homework is due in on Monday as the children will begin their writing then.

Many thanks,

Year 4 teachers.

The Awongalema Tree

Literacy homework 18.11.16

Literacy Homework due in Monday 21st November
In class, children have been inventing Tudor Punishments in pairs and have spent time planning.
Next week, children will be writing an information text based on their invention. Please could you go through the planning sheet with your child and encourage them to add any extra information in preparation for next week. This MUST be brought back on MONDAY.
• Be creative with your ideas.
• Think about whether your made up Tudor punishment would’ve been accepted by King Henry.
• Does it fit with the Tudor period?
Think about the following questions:
• What does it look like?
• How does it work?
• What crime could it be used for?
• Who was it for?
• Where did the punishment take place?
• How long does the punishment last?
• Other interesting facts.
Can you add in any more VCOP to help your writing? (Vocabulary – adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs, topic words, synonyms, Connectives – think about your challenge level, Openers – can you include a variety?, Punctuation – try and use a range)
Many thanks, Year 4 team

Literacy Homework Due in 09.11.16

In class we have been coming up with actions and re-telling the information text about ‘The Pillory’. For homework this week, please can children practice learning the information text. If possible could parents make a note of how many times they practiced this. 

As an additional bit of homework (if you have time) the children have been given a different information text in their red homework books, and they must label the key features of it.

Have a good weekend and enjoy Bonfire night! 



Tudor food homework


Please click on the link for a copy of the next homework which also has some useful web links.


Over the next 3 weeks we would like the children to find out all about Tudor food-this is a popular homework, for obvious reasons!

The homework is due in on Friday 4th November. This does mean that it has been set over the half term holiday. However, we don’t expect it to be done in holiday time-we want you to enjoy the week off! Which is why you have two weeks either side of the holiday and there will be no literacy or numeracy homework set either. If you want more time or require resources please contact us.

You can bring your work in at anytime to share!
