Tip trip tomorrow – last minute reminders!

We are really looking forward to our trip tomorrow, here are a few reminders:

1) A sensible and safe pair of walking shoes/trainers with a good grip on the sole (no flip flops or open toed shoes please due to health and safety!)

2) Clothing – as the weather is forecast to be similar to today, children can wear shorts/t-shirt and bring a long-sleeved top and trousers in their bags as a precaution.

Must have a sun hat and sun cream applied before school (bring in bag to reapply)

Thick socks that will protect the feet


A waterproof top (in their bag)

3) A packed lunch and plenty of water (bring an extra bottle if needed). Be warned, your child will have to carry this for the whole day-a lightweight rucksack is ideal!

4) No money is needed.

If your child is allergic to latex, please let your class teacher know as the children will be wearing them to pick up rubbish.

Any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.

Many thanks

Year 4