Weekly Update for week beginning 8-01-18


Year 4 Weekly Update for week beginning 08.01.18

Well that was a quick week! It’s great to be back and see all the children, they all sound like they’ve had a wonderful Christmas.

Here’s what’s coming next week:-

Numeracy: We will be focusing on multiplication and division. We will be looking at how known facts can be used to work out other facts e.g. if you know that 2 x 4 = 8 then you know that 8 ÷ 4 = 2, 2 x 40 = 80,  4 x 4 = 16 (doubles), etc. For homework this week the children could design a poster showing this and drop into Google Drive. Hwk

This term we are really going to strongly ‘encourage’ the children into learning their times tables.There will be lots of fun activities and games but a high expectation for the children to be practising regularly. Please use the blog for some useful advice and weblinks:


Our aim is for ALL the children to know ALL their times tables by heart by the end of the year-please help us with this target!

We will also be giving the children their new Rainbow Targets on doubling and halving-see homework books next week.

Literacy: We have started our new unit on ‘Imaginary Worlds’ and next week we will be basing our learning on the text ‘Leon and the Place Between’. Thank you to everyone who has brought in copies of ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, we can’t wait to get started with this during Guided Reading next week.

Science: we will be starting our new topic on electricity, building and exploring circuits.

Reading: Thanks for some of the offers for help in hearing readers. If you arrive at school at about 2:30pm to sit in the car park why not join us and hear some readers instead of waiting on the playground in the cold? Let us know if you can help.

The Daily Mile: we did our first session today and we’re so proud of the children, their enthusiasm and resilience in the wind a rain was admirable. please click on the link for more information and see the previous blog for arrangements. Please make sure children have bottled water-it was thirsty work today!


More information

Thank you for your cooperation and your continued support.

Year 4 team