Literacy Homework 10.03.17

Literacy Homework 10/03/17 due ASAP

For our newspaper topic, the children have chosen what they would like to write a newspaper article about. For homework, children are to collect quotes from real people that they can use in their article as direct and reported speech. If children need to ask people around the school, they are welcome to do so in their own break times or during homework club at lunchtime on Monday.
For example: If their newspaper report is about Guilbert – the school dog, they will need to prepare questions to ask Mrs Lovell and find her around the school during break or lunch to politely ask her a few questions.
When interviewing children should:
• Have clear questions ready to ask their interviewee.
• Write answers in note form (in homework books).
• Repeat interviewees answers back to them to make sure they have written down to double check.
• If possible, take a photograph and send to their class teacher/print a copy.