Reading Challenge

Dear Parents/Carers,


In Year 4, each class has had great fun creating a reading challenge that they believe will promote an enjoyment of reading. Mrs Dowding’s class have come up with a cake theme, Miss Dyke’s a sweet shop theme, and Mrs Karia’s a super power theme.


Together children have created a criteria for the challenge:

  • A minimum of 7 reads a week (at least 10 minutes of reading a day)
  • Over a week that equals to at least 70 minutes
  • When you have achieved 7 reads you collect either a cake, sweet treat or a super power.
  • Children have 6 weeks to collect all of the above.
  • Children or parents to fill in record card when children have completed their read.


Research has shown that children are more successful readers when they are intrinsically motivated rather than motivated through use of rewards e.g. house points. See link for further explanation:

The aim for this reading challenge is for children to achieve personal goals and to challenge themselves rather than competing against their peers.


To support children in completing their reads, we will be running pop up reading clubs where children can come in and read before school if they want to, on the following days:

Tuesdays (Mrs Karia’s Room) 8.30-8.45am

Wednesdays (Miss Dyke’s Room) 8.30-8.45am

Thursdays (Mrs Dowding’s Room) 8.30-8.45am

In addition, quiet reading during homework club on a Monday lunchtime is also welcomed.


If there are any further queries regarding this reading challenge, feel free to contact your child’s class teacher.


We look forward to your support in this.


Many thanks,

Year 4 Team

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